Our team brings together a diverse number of health professionals who are members in good standing with their respective professional orders. Their expertise makes them experts in the field of assessment and intervention with children, adolescents, adults or the elderly. Our specialists also work in various academic and public health institutions in Quebec. Our dedicated team provides first-rate care to stimulate the development of individuals and make a difference in their daily lives. Our expertise is for all those who have emotional challenges, have a learning disability or who have developmental difficulties. We also ensure the utmost confidentiality and exemplary professionalism. Centres Neuropsy provides comprehensive care for our patients, through our partnerships with various medical and paramedical centres and clinics in the private sector.
Centers Neuropsy is a proud member of the multidisciplinary team of Claritas, a unique center for the overall health of your whole family.
Under bill 25 , Raby Bouras, director, has been designated responsible for the protection of personal information.
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